Secure login for travel agents and tour operators.

A travel agentIf you regularly deal with travel agents or tour operators, you know that the management of their bookings can be very demanding. Agent phone calls and emails to provisionally block out dates, confirm, or move bookings for their clients. This can take up a lot of your time.

The ideal solution is for agents to view availability for quotes and book for their clients, at their own contracted rates and payment policy, without having to phone or mail you. This is how you can use NightsBridge’s Booking Engine to manage those Travel Agents: at agreed rates, payment terms and inclusions with a secure log-in.

NightsBridge offers just such a feature!

Agent login feature on the NightsBridge Booking engineThe client login (agent login) feature on the NightsBridge booking form gives your agents the option to view only their preferred rates, without your other guests or agents seeing it. You won’t have to respond to countless emails any longer.

Agents find it beneficial as they can respond to guest requests much quicker. This might just benefit you as a preferred provider when your competitor down the road can’t provide the same easy access for agents.

Using NightsBridge to manage Travel Agents

The client/agent login will provide agents with their preferred meal plans, which differ from other booking channels. You can also set the payment option to continue the existing payment process, without requiring a credit card or EFT payment on the spot. Or you could set the payment option to require a credit card deposit, depending on your contract and relationship with a specific agent.  The password can be provided by the agent (as their preferred password) making it easy for them to remember.

Contact us today to get this set up for you and show you how it works. There is a once-off activation fee of R350.

READ: Easy to use channel management

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